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Hundetraining in Zürich mit Charly’s Dog Training – Cyrill der Trainer sitzt mit Charly auf iner Bank im Quartier. Individuelle Hundetrainings und Verhaltensberatung für entspannte und gut sozialisierte Hunde



Dog Illustration Dog Training at Your Home
Portrait of Cyrill the owner of Charly's Dog Training

Hey! I'm Cyrill, your dog trainer in Zurich with training that goes beyond sit, stay, heel


Sometimes I was on the verge of despair when it came to training Charly. I kept getting different advice, complicated methods and training approaches. But nothing really worked. That's why I decided to become a dog trainer myself and studied at Kynologie Schweiz.


As part of my further training, I focused on dealing with problematic, supposedly aggressive and anxious behavior as well as on behavioral counseling.


Training means understanding, which is why with me you will not only learn what you should do when dealing with your dog, but also why.


Dog training should be fun - for your dog as well as for you. Helping you appreciate your relationship the way it deserves is incredibly fulfilling for me and I will always do my best to achieve this.

Voices and Experiences

sausage dog
I found Charlys Dog Training by chance via Instagram - luckily

We had already been to dog school with our Daggeli and therefore already knew the basics of dog training.
However, we still had the problem that our dog could not stay at home alone and we sometimes had problems with dog encounters on the leash.
We were very grateful that Cyrill came to our home to give us the necessary tips and tricks - individually tailored to our dog.
We never thought that the first successes would come after just a few days! And what's more, the training has had such a positive effect on the relationship and bond with our dog.

You can tell that Cyrill is passionate about his project and we can recommend him to everyone

Nadja Sommer – Google Review


Illustration of a dog
dog trainer who comes to your home

Easy does it!

My coaching for you and your dog is simple, logical and step by step.


My philosophy: Sustainable dog training, positive and effective immediately - wait a minute... Alright, I could throw around terms like: needs-oriented, sustainable, respectful, non-violent and so on. That goes without saying anyway. Of course it has to be effective and enable you and your dog to live together in a harmonic way! No constant luring, no bribing and without unnecessary strictness – just together.

Kennst du das?

  • Dein Hund zerrt dich durch die Gegend.

  • Er Orientiert sich an allem ausseer dir.

  • Rückruf klappt. Manchmal. Vielleicht...

  • Besuch wird angesprungen oder verbellt.

  • Hund in Sichtweite – leichte Panik.

  • Dein Hund pöbelt an der Leine rum.

  • Spaziergänge sind nur noch anstrengend.

  • Du wiederholst deine Signale unzählige male.​

  • Er frisst alles vom Boden.

  • Alleine bleiben ist fast unmöglich

  • Sobald ihr draussen seid ist hyper mode

  • Mal abschalten? Nope...

  • Dein Hund möchte ständig beschäftigt werden? 

  • Ableinen? Never.

  • Angst vor dem Tierarzt? 

  • Jedes Geräusch schreckt ihn auf.

  • Auch zuhause macht er was er will.

  • Was du sagst, ist gefühlt optional.

Das muss nicht dein Schicksal sein!

Our goals

  • Understanding of communication

  • Analysis of behavior

  • Leash training

  • Secure Recall

  • Relaxed Doggo

  • Resilient dog and owner

  • Socialization with other dogs

  • Easy dog encounters on the leash

  • Social coexistence


The training


  • Everyday training

  • Simple and consistent

  • Without food lures

  • Without violence or oppression!

  • Based on behavioral biology

  • Step by step, simply explained

  • Individually for your characters

  • Based on scientific facts


Let's break it down!

You and your dog.

You have chosen a buddy for life. Your dog is your social partner, you don't need to be his "alpha", but rather his responsible leader.

You are your dog's companion, you explain our world to him and guide him safely through it.
As in any relationship, there should be some agreements in yours. You and your dog must

"on the same page".

Your dog and self-confidence.
A dog with healthy self-confidence is resilient and reacts to challenging situations coolly and calmly. Encouraging this is a top priority in my training.

Dein Hund und Körpersprache.
Hunde lesen Körpersprache präzise und nehmen kleinste Signale wahr – oft mehr als Worte. Im Alltag vergessen wir diese unbewussten Botschaften leicht, weil wir mit Leine, Signalen oder Reizen beschäftigt sind.

Doch genau diese Körpersprache ist ein wichtiges Kommunikationsmittel: Sie gibt deinem Hund Orientierung... an dir.

Your dog and communication.
You live with a sensitive and intelligent being. But you don't speak the same language.

Most of the problems in your life together have probably arisen from misunderstandings.

I will help you to understand your dog better and to communicate with him properly.

Your dog and "commands".
There are signals that are essential to the agreement between you and your dog, and also for his safety. He should understand that. However, we must ask ourselves when it is really necessary to use them. A "command" requires a military tone. But that also works in a friendly way and is even more pleasant to hear. Just like between friends, it may be that you have to use a sharper tone at times - perhaps because a certain situation calls for it. However, that is not the basic way of dealing with one another.

Your dog and bond.
Living with your "furry friend" should be fun, for you as well as for him. Bonding-promoting training increases motivation and willingness to cooperate. This is exactly how we structure the training - with joy.

Your dog and the leash.

In certain situations, your dog has to walk on a leash and close to you. We train this specifically and also learn that enough freedom supports this process. You will see; walking on a leash is actually very easy. Soon you won't need the leash at all and it will only be there for safety.

Your dog and the recall.
No discussion. The most important thing of all. A reliable recall is the most important factor in dog training. The right motivation for the dog is the key. Spoiler – it's not treats.

Dein Hund und deine Energie
Die persönliche Energie spielt eine entscheidende Rolle im Zusammenleben mit deinem Hund. Hunde reagieren stark auf die Emotionen ihrer Halter:innen. Natürlich kann sich deine Energie negativ auf das Verhalten eures Hundes auswirken. Aber keine Sorge, das geht in beide Richtungen. Deine Energie ist ein kleines Geheimwerkzeug mit dem du extrem vie bewirken kannst.

Your dog and food.

Walking around the world with a bag full of treats on your belt and basing your dog's training on food doesn't make much sense. Often you unknowingly use food as a distraction and the dog no longer perceives its surroundings properly. Food is a useful tool for teaching your dog certain things and sometimes using it as a reward, but it shouldn't be your dog's primary motivation. In my opinion, that's not suitable for everyday use.

Your dog and cognitive learning.

Your emotions, actions and behavior often have a strong impact on your dog. I will work with you to ensure that you can rely on each other and that your dog can learn emotional behavior from you.

Your dog and correction.
It can happen that your dog shows behavior that is unacceptable (for example, unjustified aggression). In such a situation, it is important that you stay calm and correct your dog properly - but never with violence or shouting, but in dog language so that he understands.

Although you interrupt the behavior with the correction, you do not work on the cause. That is exactly where I start with my training.


Your dog and dominance.
Your dog does not want to rule the world, nor does he want to dominate you. At most, he has learned behavior on your journey that allows him to achieve what he wants in a given situation.

Your dog and socialization.

There are things in social interaction that dogs can only learn from other dogs. Confident, experienced dogs pass on their knowledge when they go for walks together in a group.

However, such meetings must be conducted and monitored to avoid unnecessary escalations.

I like it. Let's

I still have a
couple of questions




Are you and your dog

ready for progress?

Let's get started!

And now?

Book a call with me and we'll get to know each other!

You tell me about your challenges and goals, and we sense whether the vibe is right and we want to work together.


To prepare ourselves for the path of change, we need a structured game plan! I will explain how I work and give you some initial tips tailored to your needs.


The most important thing for me is that you and your dog have a plan that takes into account the needs of both of you. We will forge this plan in this conversation and find the most suitable offer for you.


Depending on the challenge you and your dog are facing, we start at your home, in the country or in the city. We analyze your routines and processes and make appropriate adjustments.


You will receive my own theory, including teaching materials, so you can follow the step-by-step exercises and the program that I create for you.


If you reach your limits, you can simply send me a WhatsApp and I will support you directly.


Once you have completed a training session with me, you can take part in group training sessions and social walks.


For me, the most beautiful thing is when I see how you and your dog grow together. How insecurities turn into trust, challenges turn into progress, and small steps turn into big successes.


Educating means understanding.




The shirts from Charly's

High quality and fairly produced. A fine

Thread for a fine dog!



Give Progress

With the voucher from Charly's Dog Training you give more than just training - you give valuable time, knowledge and more freedom for dog and owner.

Any questions?

Get in touch!

Hund im Fuss private dog trainer
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